Our Grant Guidelines

The B.K. Kee Foundation’s primary mission is to serve the people of Myanmar, so your organization must meet this primary requirement to be considered for a grant.

Although we have supported U.S. based organizations or organizations working on behalf of the Myanmar community in the United States, our very strong preference is to work with community based organizations in and around Myanmar serving the most vulnerable communities in and around Myanmar.

In general, the Foundation focuses on health and education projects. We prefer to support pilot projects for an initial phase that can be scaled and supported by larger grant makers if proven successful. We will consider supporting general operating expenses of organizations, but we have a special interest in assisting organizations to develop a sustainable model. In the past, we have supported the general operating expenses of an organization which allowed this organization to hire professional staff and develop an organizational infrastructure that allowed this organization to seek and obtain support from sovereign funds and large foundations.

Most of our grants range between $10,000 and $100,000. Grant amounts vary depending on an organization’s size, project, and need. Grants are usually for a one year period but may be renewed.

The foundation supports both (a) U.S. public charities operating under an exemption based on Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, and (b) qualified foreign charities without a U.S. 501(c)(3) exemption as long as such charities meet our expenditure responsibility requirements.

In general, the foundation does not support advocacy programs, individuals or endowments.

